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BJJ training

I recently came across a great article emphasizing patience as an important skill for one to have when competing in a Jiu-Jitsu competition and realized that patience is important for all martial artists regardless of their status as a competitor.  Here is a segment of the article which can be found at http://www.jiujitsutimes.com/the-mental-art-of-competition-part-4-patience/

Perhaps the most valuable weapon that any BJJ practitioner for BJJ training can acquire is patience. I can think of countless moments in which I had a submission cinched up and I got impatient and tried to crank it only to give the other person the space they need to escape. The reality is that if I am able have the discipline to apply submissions slowly and gently my chances of actually achieving the goal of the tap go up substantially.

Patience is a tricky attribute to gain mastery of in BJJ training as it requires an understanding of timing coupled with a level of calm that many of us spend a long time developing. There will be moments during matches where we are better off quietly waiting for our opponent to act because they are liable to put themselves in danger when they do.

Outside of competition, patience is an attribute we strive for in our day to day BJJ training. We must be patient in order to drill (drilling can get boring at times); we must be patient when it comes to getting better as there is no substitute for mat time. Those of us who value belt promotion must be patient with that realizing that it is completely out of our hands and entirely in the hands of our coaches or instructors.

In a self defense situation, patience is what differentiates someone who is defending themselves from someone who is committing assault. Very often, by being patient we can diffuse potentially bad situations entirely, avoiding the need for violence.

We can also use patience during matches to be able to conserve energy for the moment at which our energy will be best used. Especially in submission only, patience is what often determines the winner of a match. The guy who is able to wait for the other guy to get tired is often the winner. Similarly, in points matches, often the person who rushes their intended move winds up getting scored on, or worse submitted.

Patience is perhaps one of the very most difficult skills that BJJ training teaches us, and in competition makes us most effective. Do an exercise: the next time your roll: see how slowly you are able to submit people. The slower you can move the more controlled your movement will be. You’ll feel like moving faster in order to get the tap, but slow it down to the point that your movements are glacial. If you are able to still force the tap, you are heading in the right direction

Robert Richardson (AKA Bobby Rich)
Martial Arts Fitness

Elite Training Center Redondo Beach
1628 South Pacific Coast Highway,
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 598-1887

Elite Training Center Hermosa Beach

1601 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 170

Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

(310) 597-4669



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BJJ training

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