Elite Training Center is closed on Saturday 17th & Monday 19th
for Presidents Day.

We can’t change community by words alone. We have to do it by actions.

We all get wrapped up in our own lives. Sometimes things seem so overwhelming! It is understandable. There’s the push to make money, family obligations, business issues, people not coming through on their word / huge lack of integrity, selfishness, etc. However it is important to also make time for you to be healthy and be a part of something that encourages others to do the same. We can’t change minds by words alone. We have to do it by actions. Actions make a community flourish.

Encouraging others to take action can make a huge difference

Reciprocity is a huge part of martial arts. Share and listen, listen and share. Keep your fingers on the pulse of your community. Be alert to what’s going on. Look out for one another. It isn’t just about what you’re doing on the mat for someone, but for your neighbors and even strangers. A little help or encouragement can make a huge difference in someone’s life. And if you aren’t making a difference, please start no matter how minimal.

Thank you to everyone who came and participated in the Muay Thai Kickboxing Promotion July 11 in Redondo Beach. Both the Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach locations showed the true heart and spirit of Elite Training Center. The show of support for promotions has been nothing short of spectacular from both schools. That little smile you gave to someone when they were hitting or the “atta boy/girl” you said to the person who was struggling could have been instrumental in their success on Saturday. KEEP IT UP!!!

It is always a treat to see people who have their primary interests in other facets of Elite’s combative mixed martial arts show up. We hope and encourage all members to participate and support each other.

Martial arts for us are about community. A strong person helps lead to a stronger community. It is everyone’s responsibility to lead from the middle, front and rear. Pull the weight of someone else. Don’t expect them to do it back. Keep showing them until they do. We all grow tired of people who lack integrity. Does that mean you give up? HELL NO! You keep going. If you don’t think you can make a difference then you won’t. It only takes one person to ignite the flame of change.

Have a great week!

S. Derhammer

Elite Training Center Redondo Beach's photo.
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