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Russell Redenbaugh Living His Narrative

In continuing my little blog series on people that motivate me, I am choosing a person with achievements as a successful investor and economist, as a Commissioner on the US Civil Rights Commission serving under three US Presidents, and a three-time gold medal jiu-jitsu, world champion fighting sighted opponents. It proved that if he can, you can: Russell Redenbaugh.

I first met Russell when I was 16 years old.  At that time, he started training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at Maxercise Sports and Fitness in Philadelphia.  Since I was the youngest one and a teenager in a school or gym of tough guys, I think Russell took a liking to me right away.  I can still hear his voice, “Tonyyyy!’ Every time.  I was like this- the long e sound at the end of my name.  Russel was always happy to see me.  Of course, Russel could not see me and would have his guide dog with him.  And through the years, the guide dog would change; however, what also would change was how very good Russell would become at jiu-jitsu.  Even if he never saw the techniques.  He could feel them!  Enough to win 3 times the Masters/Seniors World Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Championship in Brazil!

(Russell first told me this word: Kairos!  It was the name of his company.  I would, in turn, keep this word in my heart in the years to come)

Russell was very respected in the society hill area of Philadelphia.  He was a self-made man and the first person I think I ever met at the time that was a millionaire many times over.  Yet the thing was, Russell to me was the guy at the gym that always gave me a fun jiu-jitsu match during sparring,  we would laugh, and when he talked to me, he always gave amazing advice.  It was like a philosophy session where he would continue questioning me until I found the right insight to my questions about life, business, or life after high school.  I credit a lot for those talks with Russel leading up to my move to Los Angeles from Philadelphia after high school.  When everyone thought I was crazy to move to California to enter instructor’s training, Russel would write my letter of recommendation with the letter heading from the United States department of civil rights mentioning that I am one of the most single-minded people he has ever met. I did not get caught up in my moods.  And with that letter and confidence, I headed out to California with a one-way ticket and my dreams of success.

Please take to time to watch and listen to my first mentor Russell Redenbaugh’s video Shift The Narrative.  I remember all that he shared with me for 20 years, but it is very nice that he is sharing it with the world now.

What’s your story? What circles are motivating you to move the mountains ahead?  Russell’s Drive & Mentorship are two things that always motivate me!

Please visit www.shiftthenarrative.com for more information about Russell.

My best,

Prof. Tony Pacenski
2nd Degree Black Belt
BJJ Revolution Team


Elite Training Center
1628 South Pacific Coast Highway,
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(310) 543-1600

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